Stewarding Vision – Part 3

Let’s bring Paul back up.  Now, we do know he went away––almost directly––after he was converted into the wilderness and was taught by the Holy Spirit the things of the Lord.  There, I’m sure he prayed and fasted and sought the Lord.  There, he was prepared to do what the Lord had called him to do.  Then, when he returned from the wilderness, he sought out the disciples (a like-minded community).  All of these things were preparation and investments into what the Lord gave him vision for (pun intended).   Continue reading

Stewarding Vision – Part 2

I would like to suggest two ways: commitment and excellence.

I think part of our act of stewardship is committing to our piece of the vision.  Commitment has two parts.  The first is starting.  Going out on a limb, taking risks, and actually taking the first steps to “doing” it is the first part of commitment.  Continue reading